Sioux Falls Prairie Masters.Looking for a Masters swim program in Sioux Falls, South Dakota? You're in the right place! The Sioux Falls Prairie Masters Swim Team offers four morning workout opportunities per week. Read on for more info!
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday, and Fridays at Midco Aquatic Center, 5:35-6:35 a.m.

The Sioux Falls Prairie Masters Swim Team holds practices at the Midco Aquatic Center (1601 S. Western Ave.) from 5:35-6:35 a.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Megan Peterson serves as our coach, designing great workout for us, explaining the details and purpose of the sets as she swims alongside us. Read more about Coach Megan, including contact information, here. Technique help is available upon request or on occasion. Once a week, the practices are fully swimmer-led, but we look out for each other to ensure understanding and support.
If you are new to masters swimming, we encourage you to try out a few practices before making a financial commitment! Occasional drop-ins (including out-of-town visitors) are encouraged to bring $5 per workout, payable in cash to the coach. At the front desk, tell them you are with the Prairie Masters Swim Team and they should let you through to swim in our rented lanes. Email Megan to let her know you're coming on a certain day, and we'll watch out for you to make sure you feel welcome and informed. Note that on select holidays, the Midco Aquatic Center may be closed.
Sessions run for 4 months, beginning January 1st, May 1st and September 1st. Fees are $135 for 1-2 practices per week or $240 for 3-4 practices per week. Registration is handled through the Sioux Falls Swim America program, directed by Edie Mueller. Click on the link (and scroll to the bottom) to pay online, or arrange payment with Edie directly at [email protected] or by calling (605) 310-4838. If you are looking at this information in the middle of a session, talk to Edie about the possibility of a prorated payment.
Who is welcome? All adults interested in swimming for fitness or competition, including triathletes! If you are unsure of your ability, you are invited to work out with us and give it a try. Those who need or desire more foundational stroke work before continuing with us in the group swims are encouraged to contact Edie Mueller through Swim America for adult group or private swim lessons. Edie may be contacted at (605) 310-4838 or [email protected]. Don't be intimidated by the word Masters. Swimmers of all speeds and abilities enjoy working out with us!
Additional questions? Contact Megan or Edie using the information above.
Megan Peterson serves as our coach, designing great workout for us, explaining the details and purpose of the sets as she swims alongside us. Read more about Coach Megan, including contact information, here. Technique help is available upon request or on occasion. Once a week, the practices are fully swimmer-led, but we look out for each other to ensure understanding and support.
If you are new to masters swimming, we encourage you to try out a few practices before making a financial commitment! Occasional drop-ins (including out-of-town visitors) are encouraged to bring $5 per workout, payable in cash to the coach. At the front desk, tell them you are with the Prairie Masters Swim Team and they should let you through to swim in our rented lanes. Email Megan to let her know you're coming on a certain day, and we'll watch out for you to make sure you feel welcome and informed. Note that on select holidays, the Midco Aquatic Center may be closed.
Sessions run for 4 months, beginning January 1st, May 1st and September 1st. Fees are $135 for 1-2 practices per week or $240 for 3-4 practices per week. Registration is handled through the Sioux Falls Swim America program, directed by Edie Mueller. Click on the link (and scroll to the bottom) to pay online, or arrange payment with Edie directly at [email protected] or by calling (605) 310-4838. If you are looking at this information in the middle of a session, talk to Edie about the possibility of a prorated payment.
Who is welcome? All adults interested in swimming for fitness or competition, including triathletes! If you are unsure of your ability, you are invited to work out with us and give it a try. Those who need or desire more foundational stroke work before continuing with us in the group swims are encouraged to contact Edie Mueller through Swim America for adult group or private swim lessons. Edie may be contacted at (605) 310-4838 or [email protected]. Don't be intimidated by the word Masters. Swimmers of all speeds and abilities enjoy working out with us!
Additional questions? Contact Megan or Edie using the information above.